Are you looking to study abroad and need to take the IELTS exam?

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test that assesses your proficiency in the English language. It’s designed for people who want to pursue higher education or work opportunities in countries where English is spoken as an official language. 

The IELTS exam consists of four sections: 

    • Listening 
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Speaking 
Each section tests different aspects of your understanding of the language at a range from non-user (no experience with the language) up to expert user (native speaker). You will receive individual results for each section on a score scale from 1 - 9, 9 being highest level achieved. Your overall result will be determined by taking into account all four scores combined together, on average it takes around 3 hours 45 minutes total time including breaks between sections if needed. 

In order to apply for certain visas such as student visa or immigration visa you may be required by some countries/institutions/organizations etc., to provide proof that you have taken and passed this test successfully before they can consider further processing your application. Therefore, it's important that when preparing yourself both mentally and financially, you also make sure that whatever country / institution / organization requires an approved IELTS certificate, you should check their specific requirements carefully so there are no surprises later down line while applying.  

All in all, the main purpose behind taking this very popular international standardized English proficiency test is not just about obtaining good marks but rather its more about assessing how well one can communicate effectively using English which ultimately helps individuals gain better access towards various educational institutions & employment opportunities across globe without any communication barriers!

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